
Friday, October 17, 2008

Halloween movies!

Top 10 Halloween movies to watch as you countdown to one of our favorite holidays:

1. Halloween-The original

The movie that launched the slasher genre and follows Mike Myers return to Haddenfield. This is a Halloween namesake is a must see! Please watch this version before you watch Rob Zombie’s most recent version.

2. Nightmare on Elm Street

Freddie tears up the scene in this 80s surrealistic slasher flick. No one’s dreams will be safe after watching this one!

3. Texas Chainsaw Massacre-The original

Tobe Hooper’s graphic re-imagination of the Ed Gein’s story is just as un-nerving today as it was in the 70s. On a person note, nothing scares me more than Leatherface!

4. Night of the Living Dead

George A. Romero’s political satire delivers an unprecedented reimaging of the zombie genre and in doing so invigorated independent film and catapulted horror films into a new era.

5. Poltergeist

No movie makes you be wary of the house you are buying than Poltergeist. Hahahaha. Make sure you read your seller disclosures (unless you are buying a lender or corporate owned property and don’t get them) and do your due diligence or you may find corpses floating in your pool!

6. Friday the 13th part 1

Before Jason slashed up screens in his hockey mask, his mother was seeking revenge against Kevin Bacon and his friends in this 80s classic. C’mon, even Kevin Bacon made a trip to Crystal Lake!

7. Frankenstein-The original

No list would be complete without at least one of the monster classics. Boris Karloff invents what would become a mainstream horror icon in this treasured classic.

8. Psycho-The original

Alfred Hitchcock is a true master of horror and it is evident in this as one of his most treasured films. You’ll think twice about staying at the Bates Motel after shivering through this classic!

9. The Exorcist

1973’s Exorcist was as controversial as it was shocking. A true good vs. evil story with plenty of head spinning and pea soup vomiting goodness for everyone.

10. The Shining

No Halloween season can be complete without hearing Jack Nicholson scream, “Here’s Johnny!” in this Kubrick classic. Be sure to check out the ghostly twins which probably aren’t very qualified to sell you a home ;)



Filmed by Dario Argento, not the cheese maker, but the master of Italian horror, dishes out gore and horror in this visually stunning masterpiece from 1977.

Check out these newer flicks:

The Strangers

This film depicts a feuding couple isolated in a cabin when uninvited guests arrived to terrorize their evening.


This Canadian film gives a fifties retro feel to domesticated zombies. This was one of my faves of 2007; I loved it!

Dawn of the Dead (remake)

Now adays slow-moving zombies just don’t cut it. Check out these amped up zombies wage way on survivors holding up in a mall in Middle America. This is a remake of the sequel to ‘Night of the Living Dead’.

Campy goodness:

Evil Dead 2

Bruce Campbell hams up the screen in this film written and directed by Spiderman’s directed Sam Raimi in this 80s horror flick.

Horror Comedy:

Shaun of the Dead

A British romantic comedy with zombies. We’ll call it a zomedy. They single-handedly invented the genre. Be sure to watch every other zombie movie on this list as they do slight parodies and you’ll appreciate the nods they do to their predecessors.


Anonymous said...

GREAT post.

One that was not listed was The Fog. That movie scared the {bleep} out of me!

thanks for sharing


Anonymous said...

How could you forget the films of your childhood? Like Gremlins? Those were pretty scary for you when you were little ... of course you had parental censorship then.......

Love, Mom.